[FINISHED] Easter Wreath


And I have once again dabbled in a craft I have no business dabbling in.

A few weekends ago, I sat down with all my supplies from Amazon and put together this festive Easter migraine. Originally, I’d wanted to make one of those bunny butt wreaths that are popular right now, but the butts alone were nearly $50 and the wreaths themselves sell for $150+ on Etsy. So I improvised.

This time, I used a different technique where I rolled strips of four colors and scrunched them together using pipe cleaners (pro tip: pipe cleaners are so much easier than the zip ties I used on my first wreath).

It’s worth noting that you can get most of these supplies at the Dollar Store, but I’m incapable of thinking ahead that far and spent way more than I should have by going through Amazon. The only great thing about that is I discovered the deco mesh is available in packs of every holiday color coordination you can imagine, so you can bet your life that I’ll be making one of these for every holiday. Scott is thrilled that I’ve been discussing wreath storage for the basement.

Here’s the YouTube tutorial I used to make this monstrosity that doesn’t even fit between our main door and screen door. I ended up displaying it on my buffet that I’ve redecorated for spring, at least until I can find a better place to house it.

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