Hubby feeds my addiction

In case anyone ever doubted me, of course I'd be able to find the only yarn shop within a 100 mile radius.

A couple weekends ago, Hubby and I visited the PA Renaissance Faire's Celtic Fling weekend with a bunch of our friends.  One of my friends teaches at an Irish dance studio and her class was performing that weekend.  It was a lot of fun because I'd never seen them perform before and I actually do enjoy Irish dancing.  Throw in lots of drinks and yummy food, and you're in for a good weekend (even if some random guy in a kilt walks up to you and just sticks his face in your sangria for no apparent reason).

While wandering around, we came across a shop by the KareDan Farming Initiative.  Lo and behold, they were selling handspun, hand-dyed yarn.  Hubby was nice enough to buy some for me because he knows I have a problem.

Here's the hank I chose in all its glory:



I love the colors - now I just need to find a project :)  It's about 100 yards, so it'll definitely have to be knit, and it'll most likely be a hat.  Maybe I'll whip something up after I mail out this current round of Traveling Scarves. 

I'm also excited because I'll get to use the ball winder Hubby got me for Valentine's Day.  I tried using it on a hank of sock yarn I bought awhile ago, but being that I didn't read the directions, I only managed to create a huge knot.  For many hours, I sat in Knitter's Hell trying to unknot everything, but it was of no use.  I finally just gave up.  Hopefully this goes a little better for me!

Summer is in full swing here.  We just got back from a wedding in Long Island and this weekend brings a trip to NYC.  We're pretty busy the rest of the summer, and then I have some dental work coming up next week that I'm really not looking forward to.  Ugh.  What I am looking forward to is relaxing for a weekend sometime in the distant future :)