Finished: Little Cotton Rabbits Bunny + New Instagram


For years, I've been following the Little Cotton Rabbits blog, dreaming of the day I'd either have enough talent to make a bunny myself or the good fortune to purchase one from the source.

Needless to say, I lost my mind a little (in a good way) when she released her bunny pattern awhile back, which means I purchased it immediately

But I still consider myself more an intermediate knitter than advanced, and to me, the Little Cotton Rabbits creatures seemed beyond my skill set. Except I'm trying this new thing where I stop doubting myself with everything and plunged into a wee bunny project for my mom's birthday.

Here's the deets:

Pattern: Bunny Girl in a Dotty Dress by Julie Williams
Yarn: Knit Picks Swish DK
Project Link: Ravelry

I quickly discovered I loved making this bunny - it was faster than I thought (even with seaming, which I shockingly didn't mind) and I loved stuffing the face to make it look as fat and happy as I envisioned. It didn't take long for her to come to life in my hands.

So all-in-all, I'd consider her a success; I even got commissioned to knit two more! All she needs now is a name. My mom and I are looking for inspiration, so feel free to throw your hat in the ring with suggestions :)

PS: I started a knitting-only instagram account that you can find here: - I'd love if you could join me in my adventures!