finished: crochet easter bunny for mom

Remember when I posted awhile back asking you to guess what I was making?

Well here it is: a little guy that I was making as an Easter present for my mom:

Project Description: I posed this pattern on my Facebook page a few weeks ago and mother oh-so-subtly hinted that she'd love it if I could make one for Easter.  So I did!  I chose the colors that most appear in my parents' house and then added sparkle - of course - with the green accent color.

This was the first time I had ever used safety eyes.  Here's the thing: I always wondered why safety eyes were fine on toys given to children.  I thought they'd just be easy to tear out and chew on and I guess it's still possible.  But my fingers almost fell off trying to get the stupid things in.  I love how they look, though, and wouldn't have done it any other way.

PS: I got that amazingly pink feather wreath for 40% off at Michaels.  Totally worth the investment.

Yarn Used: I used four yarns to complete this pattern:
Pattern Used:  Easy Crochet Bunny - A Green Dragonfly Tutorial

Life Updates:
  • My world is a little crazy.  My mom was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly last week, so I've been trying to help out as much as possible.
  • I'm leaving for San Francisco on Friday, so I'm trying to take care of stuff around the house and need to do a crap ton of shopping in preparation.
  • Easter was really nice, even though my mom couldn't be there physically.  I got lots of candy - how could you go wrong?
That's it for today?  I'm hoping to update at least once more before traveling to Frisco - I'm excited!  It should be a great time and productive because it's work-related.  I'm planning out my travel knitting projects as we speak for optimum efficiency :)

Hopefully nobody tricked you yesterday!