a post from my sick bed

Hi, everyone!  I'm just making this quick entry to let you know I've been busy dealing with my face falling off of my face.  Okay, not really, but I have the worst-ever case of Man Cold and can't stop complaining about it long enough to pick up any yarn.

I had already been hit with the ultimate Crap Trifecta - it was Monday, I had worked for 9 hours and spent 4 hours in classes for my graduate program, and I had driven home in sleet and freezing rain.  That's when the sore throat hit.  Today, Sneezing came late to the party, and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever feel human again.

Suffice it to say, I've been really bad at responding to any comments you've all been leaving me on any of the sites I'm on, and I'm trying to catch up as best I can.  Please don't think I'm being mean :)

I'll leave you with photos of my slouchy zig-zag hat.  If/when I return to you from my grave this weekend, I'm putting the accompanying pattern in InDesign and listing it for sale in my etsy shop and on Ravelry.



With any luck, I'll be able to let you know on Monday that it's available!

Hopefully you're all martyring your way through Cold & Flu season better than I.  See you next week!