baby sweaters everywhere!

I went to a baby shower for my BFF a couple weekends ago, and here are the two sweaters I made her!




You may recognize the dark blue one from previous posts of mine (here's one and two).  I wound up not having enough yarn to make the back sailor flap, so I adapted it for another pattern in the book that didn't have the flap.  I still think it came out uber cute!

I can't find a link to the pattern I used for the crocheted lighter blue sweater, but I'll keep looking (edit: FOUND IT!).  I was happy with the result of that one because it required a LOT of seaming (not that the other one didn't) and the stitch pattern was easy to memorize, as well.  We joked that the baby - who I've nicknamed Sparkles - will enjoy wearing it when we take him fishing.  A week from never.

Hope you're all having a good week!  I had another presentation last night that went very well, so I only have one more left for the semester.  The end is in sight, with only four weeks left for our winter break.  I still have to start my final paper for another class, though.  I never worried about this stuff in undergrad and usually wrote my final papers with less than a week to spare.  When I become old and responsible?